Sandstorm and smog

Today in Amman. The air is filled with sand from the desert and smog. Not exactly the healthiest weather and breathing is uncomfortable in traffic. Amman - Sandstorm and smog

What it usually loooks like:

Amman - Flag through squares

Here are two vidoes from traffic on the way to the university, a normal day and today. Crappy quality and a horrible sound, but you get the idea.

[flickr video=6191873005 secret=9abf1954af w=400 h=327]

[flickr video=6192386176 secret=ea469a0e3f w=400 h=327]

(Ikkje akkurat lufta Byluftslisten og MDG ville satt pris på. Sett kanskje Bergenslufta litt i perspektiv.)

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